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In some countries it is but if you wonder about the US no it's not.

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Q: Is it illegal to get pregnant when you are not married?
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Your boyfriend is an illegal Mexican and im pregnant can he still live here if im pregnant?

No. Get married.

Can you get in trouble if your 16 year old spouse is pregnant?

Spouse indicates that you're married. No, it is not illegal for your spouse to get pregnant.

Is it illegal to have your 21 year old boyfriend move when your pregnant and 17years of age?

No it is not illegal. I was 17 and pregnant when my boyfriend moved in with me. He was 21. Its not a big deal and then i just went and got married to him. In certain states you can get married with just a doctors note saying your pregnant. In Maryland is where i did it.

Is it legal for married man to get other woman pregnant in California?

Adultery is not illegal - the man will not be prosecuted.

Is it illegal to marry a twenty one year old if you are thirteen and pregnant with his baby?

No its not illegal! age ain't nothing but a number, the only problem is your age.. 13 might be to young to get married.

If your fiance is illegal and you are pregnant what can you do to get married and get him legal?

You should contact legal counsel on this. With the recent changes in immigration laws, he might fall into that loophole.

My husband is illegal and you are pregnant if he has no criminal history may he stay here?

My being pregnant, as unlikely as that might be, has no bearing on your husband's citizenship. If you are a citizen and you married him he won't be deported until you kick him to the curb.

Is it illegal to be 14 and pregnant in CA?

No but it is illegal for a minor to have sex and for someone else to have sex with a minor and to get her pregnant. Whether there will be a penalty for the person getting her pregnant depends on his age.

Does an illegal who is married to a US citizen pregnant and in process of receiving permanent papers qualify for Medicaid or other assistance?

Call the local social services office and ask them.

Is it possible to go out with your cousin friend that is a senior in high school?

yeah, but it is illegal to get married to him/her yeah, but it is illegal to get married to him/her

Is it illegal to have children with your first cousin in Indiana if you are not married nor plan on getting married?

It is not illegal but it may be unwise.

How can a married woman get married in UK?

She can't - that's illegal !