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Yes. It is illegal to operate a vehicle in ANY state while under the influence of ANYTHING that impairs your driving ability.

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Q: Is it illegal to drive in Florida under the influence of methadone?
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Is it legal to sleep at a bar in Florida?

I would think that it is legal to sleep at a bar. The alternative would be to drive under the influence and that is illegal.

What hours can you drive in florida at the age of 17?

It's illegal to drive at ALL the hours!

Is it illegal to drive?

If you are underaged or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Is it legal to drive while prescribed 30ml methadone?

Technically, it is illegal. But morally and ethically, thats another question. Many people at my clinic drive and most cops overlook this because methadone does not cause major intoxication. Yes it is illegal, but it is really up to the individual police officer and his/her judgement on the individual driver.

In the State of Florida what is the minimum Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level in order to be considered under the influence?

It's not illegal to have a certain level in your blood. It's illegal if you want to drive.

Is a right hand drive car illegal in Florida?

not at the moment, although this may change at a later date.

Can you drive when taking methadone?

you can drive while on any dose of methadone, as long as it is a stable dose. and do not have the "nod". i was on 20mls and just recently up'd to 30mls. On 20mls i felt great wide awake and lots of energy. Today on 30mls, i am nodding off and have a bad headache. so today i would not drive my car. hope that helps.

Is it illegal to drive after taking Dexedrine?

It's illegal to drive while intoxicated. While the laws may not specifically state that it's illegal to take Dexetrine, if you're pulled over and determined to be under the influence, it's the same as if you'd been caught driving drunk.

Is it illegal to drive after taking Benadryl?

its not illegal but it's dangerous to because it can make you very drowsy.Answer:Actually, in many states it is illegal to drive while under the influence of medication that can affect your awareness or make you drowsy. DUI's are not just for alcohol any more. Check your state and local ordinances.

Is it illegal to dive while one is under the influence of drugs?

First of all, a lot of drugs are illegal anyway. So it´s illegal to smoke pot period, illegal to dive while smoking pot, illegal to drive while smoking pot, it doesn´t matter, it´s just illegal to be on illegal drugs. Drugs that are legal have warnings on them, such as don´t drive while on this drug, and the reason is that it is dangerous. If the drug impairs any of your functions, you are not supposed to drive while under their influence. While there aren´t any specific laws about diving while under their influence, it could also be potentially dangerous. If you are too high to notice that the water is too shallow, or if your functins are impaired to the point where you can´t climb up to dive, then it is not recommendable. So if the drug is legal, there are no specific laws about diving, however, it may be a stupid thing to do.

Is it illegal to drive a motorcycle with sandals on in Nevada?

No it is not illegal to drive with sandals on in Navada.

Why is it illegal to text and drive in Iowa?

Because it's distracted driving, much like driving under the influence. It slows response time and is dangerous.