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not illegal to date or be together. illegal for any sexual contact until she is no longer under parental control. which is probably 18. wait a year.

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Q: Is it illegal to date a 17 year old girl if your 20 years old if it's against parental consent in the state of Arkansas?
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Can a minor get a tattoo with parent consent in Oregon?

not true, you have to be 18 without parental consent. if you are a minor in Oregon with parental consent you can get one done. Nowhere. Tattooing minors is illegal in Oregon, even with parental consent. You cant get a tattoo in Oregon as a minor even with parent consent it is still illegal in Oregon

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Parental consent has nothing to do with the age of consent. They cannot agree to let you do something that is illegal. In Arizona the legal age is 18.

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It is not illegal to kiss a minor or even date a minor. It is only illegal to have sex with a minor if there is not parental consent.

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uhm. if that minor doesn't have parental consent then yes.

Is it illegal for a sixteen years old have sexual relation with a eighteen years old in Florida?

it is illegal without parental consent. if your parents know about it and aprove then no. the legal age(with parental consent) is 16-24. but it still may be a bad idea

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There are no laws about dating. However, sexual contact would be illegal and parents cannot consent to illegal activity.

Is it illegal for your 17-year-old boyfriend to live with your parents without his mother's consent?

He needs parental consent to move out until he is 18.

Is obtaining DNA from a minor child without parental consent illegal?

Laws surrounding obtaining DNA from a minor child without parental consent can vary by jurisdiction. In many cases, it is illegal to collect DNA from a minor without parental consent due to privacy and consent concerns. It is advisable to seek legal advice or guidance on the specific laws in your area.

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Parental conset = NO Parents are with you when oyu go see it = YES

Do you need parental consent to date an 18 year old if you are a minor?

It is not illegal if you are age 16 or older.

If you are 17 and you have the consent of your mother who has main custody of you can you marry an illegal immigrant?

Yes, you can get married with parental consent. However, marrying someone that is not in the country legally does not change their status.