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No. If it's a total stranger, not picking up the hitchhiker could save your life. I never had my driver's license, but if I had my driver's license and my own car in answer to would I pick up a hitchhiker, it would depend on who the hitchhiker is. If it's someone who I went to school with, a co-worker, a family member or a friend that I know very well and I know that I'm safe with that person, I'd pick them up and drive them wherever they wanna go and drop them off wherever they want to be dropped off. But if it's a total stranger or someone that I barely know, I wouldn't even slow down. If it's someone that I know who's famous for hurting or robbing people or raping women, I wouldn't even slow down.

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Q: Is it illegal to NOT pick up hitchhikers?
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What is the movie called where a group of men pick up hitchhikers take them to their hunting lodge let them go and hunt them?

Hard Target.

Why is it dangerous to hitchhike?

Because you never know who picks you up. It's dangerous for both the hitchhiker and the person who picks him/her up. Some people pick up hitchhikers to hurt them. They put a knife or a gun at their faces or their heads and tell them:"Give me your money" or "Give me your wallet" or "Give me your purse" and the hitchhiker has no choice but give the driver their money otherwise they get killed. They knock out the hitchhiker and rape them. They stab, shoot or strangle the hitchhiker to death dispose of them in the woods. Sometimes they tie them up and hang them in the woods and the hitchhikers are found dead. Sometimes it's the hitchhiker who kidnaps, robs, knocks out, rapes and murders the driver. Many hitchhikers and murdered by drivers who pick them up and many drivers are murdered by hitchhikers they pick up. It's dangerous for both the hitchhiker and the driver.

How many hitchhikers are killed every year in the US by the drivers who pick them up?

There is no specific data on the number of hitchhikers killed by drivers who pick them up in the US. However, hitchhiking poses risks to both hitchhikers and drivers, as it involves getting into a vehicle with a stranger. It is important for individuals to exercise caution and consider the potential dangers when hitchhiking.

Is it illegal to ride in the back of a pick up in NJ?


How old do you have to be to pick up prostetitutes?

It's illegal at any age.

Is it illegal to pick up a sand lizard?

no i don't think it is nessessery what if it bites you!!!!

Are green LED headlights illegal on a pick up truck?

green lights are harmless

Is it illegal not to cover a pick up rear in nys?

It's certainly illegal to drop or spew trash on the roadways, whether the law specfically applies to pick-up trucks or not - call the nearest NY State Police barracks and ask.

Is it illegal to pick Alberta roses?

No, it is not illegal to pick wild roses of Alberta, they are practically like "weeds" in Alberta.

What is the mechanics point of view on hitchhiker?

From a mechanical perspective, hitchhiking can put additional strain on a vehicle due to added weight, potentially impacting fuel efficiency and overall performance. Additionally, sudden stops or starts by hitchhikers could affect the stability of the vehicle and increase wear on the brakes and suspension. It's important to consider these factors when deciding whether to pick up hitchhikers.

How old do you have to be to sit in the back of a truck?

In some states, it is illegal for anyone to sit in the back of a pick-up.

What are the chances of two teenage male hitchhikers being picked up in the UK?
