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A learners permit means you are permitted to learn how to drive but a license means you have proven you can be trusted to drive.

If you have a permit you must have someone over 18 with a valid drivers license with you in the front seat at all times.

That is how it is in my state and unless Florida has a funny law about it I believe it is the same.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Yes, you must have your permit for at least 1 month.

Florida learners permit classes are no longer part of the dreary world of desks and chalk dust. Now, teens can take driver's education, fully approved by the state of Florida, right from the family computer at home. It's a great way for them to practice their online skills while also getting a quality driver's education.

= FL Drivers Permit Online = The driver's ed class, also known as the Florida drug and alcohol course or Joshua's Law course, can be taught by approved providers over the internet. Only schools that have been reviewed and approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) are permitted to teach these classes, and that is the same group that approves the classroom-based courses so you know that your teen is getting a comparable education.

= Working on the Web = While your teen may have grown up with the ability to get his or her FL drivers permit online or attend a web-based university program, you probably didn't have as many web-based options available to you when you first learned how to drive. Here are some of the advantages to your teen earning his or her Florida learners permit using a web-based program:

* Time convenience: The Internet courses can be taken whenever the student likes, whether it's after school each day, on the weekends, or first thing in the morning. The ability to work the course around your teen's already jam-packed schedule makes it much easier to complete in a timely manner. * Timesavings: The time it takes to get to and from a classroom is not part of the course, and the time it takes you to take them there and pick them up is time wasted when compared to online courses. When your teen takes an Internet course, they can work at the school computer lab, or at a friend's house, or even at the public library. Wherever they can get online, they can be doing something productive. * Pacing: Most students aren't right smack-dab in the middle. They're either quicker than the rest of the class (and sitting around waiting for others to catch up) or slower than the rest of the class (and forced to jump to the next section before they're ready). In fact, most students are a little bit of each type, depending on the subject being taught. Because online driving courses are self-paced, your teen can move on when they are comfortable with the subject and remain on those pages if they need to review it once more. There's no requirement for them to be done quickly or slowly. * Location, location, location: With online classes, you're not only allowing your teen to work from anywhere, you have the option of asking him or her to work only at home. This puts you right near the action - you might even find yourself watching a lesson video and discussing it with your teen.

Regardless of which online school you choose, there are so many benefits to your teen taking web-based driver's ed that it would almost be a shame not to take advantage of the opportunity! Copy, paste the following URL in your browser, to know more info on Florida permit exam, Florida First time drivers course, Online DHSMV permit exam and more!

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12y ago

On a graduated/restricted license, it's perfectly legal so long as they're operating a vehicle within the curfew deadlines specified. If they have only a learner's permit, then yes, it is highly illegal.

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19y ago

NO! You must be accompanied by a licensed driver.

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18y ago

No. With a permit, a licensed driver must accompany you in a car if you are driving.

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17y ago

Yes, you can drive to work with Florida permit when you are 16 years of age and have accumulated a total of 15 driving hours of more

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13y ago

No, not unless you have someone twenty years or older with you.

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12y ago

You can't drive alone on a permit at any age, regardless of where you're going to or coming from. Period.

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16y ago

Nope gota have your license

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