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Whether the adult is more than a few years older than the girl or not, a chaperone would be best for the first few meetings. This is particularly true if the adult is someone that was met online. Many people represent themselves differently online than they are in real life, and, even as an adult, it is difficult to leave enough safeguards in place when meeting someone for the first time. Be very careful and make sure your meeting is at the least in a public place (not the mall), that you meet him there and do not allow him to drive you home or follow you there. I recommend not extending the date beyond the first meeting of an hour or two. Go home and think about the person. Often anything that is "off" will come to mind within a day or so. Follow your hunches.

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15y ago
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10y ago

In 49 states, adults (18 years of age and older) cannot legally take part in sexual conduct with minors (17 years of age and under). This is not limited to sexual intercourse, and any police officer who believes this is wrong will try their hardest to find some kind of illegal activity to arrest you for. This can include general things like cuddling, sleeping in the same bed, etc. ("sexual activity").

However, you ask of underage dating. This depends on your definition of dating. You can legally: hold hands, talk, stay the night at each other homes, go to dinner, etc. etc. They cannot arrest two people for going to dinner as friends (never admit to dating). It's anything that goes a step further that is illegal. Same in California as the forty-eight other states with these laws.

Mississippi is the only state where a minor (16+) can participate in sexual activity with an adult.

I'm not sure where the above answerer got their information from, but it's patently incorrect.

Firstly, to answer the question: if by "dating", you mean simply two people spending time together (and EXCLUDING any form of sexual contact), there are no laws regarding this anywhere. Free association is a right of all people, regardless of age. Note that transporting a minor without their parent's permission can possibly violate some laws, so be careful if the minor and adult travel together.

With respect to sexual conduct, the majority of states now set the minimum age of consent (the age at which any person can legally engage in sexual conduct with anyone of the same age or older) at 16. HOWEVER, this varies quite a bit, so you should look up what the actual law is in your state. It can be as young as 14, or as old as 18, and there can be conditions based on the age difference.

Just to be clear, as this question specifically asked about California: there are no laws about "dating" anyone, but there are laws that cover sexual conduct. Sexual conduct is ILLEGAL with anyone under the age of 18 in California, even if both parties are under 18. It's a lesser crime (misdemeanor) if both are under 18 or the age difference is 3 years or less, but it's still a crime. Sexual conduct is defined as any direct contact with the genital or anal area, and, in the case of females, the breasts of the victim.

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13y ago

Dating has never been the subject of any laws in California. Sexual activity has specific laws that vary throughout the world. The age of consent in California is 17.

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8y ago

There are no laws regarding dating. There are laws regarding sexual contact, and they should be 17 in California.

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15y ago

Yeah, sure, it's legal!

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8y ago

date yes, have sex or marry no

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Q: Is it illegal for an adult age 18 to date a minor in California?
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Can an adult date a minor in California even if you are 19?

No, it is illegal for an adult to engage in a romantic relationship with a minor in California, regardless of the age difference. The legal age of consent in California is 18, and any sexual activity with a minor under 18 is considered statutory rape.

Is it illegal to date a girl age 17 to date a 23 year old guy?

Yes. He is an adult at 23 and she is a minor at 17. It is illegal.

Is it illegal for a minor 16 to date an adult 19 in AZ?

no. it's not a good idea!

Can an adult date a minor in California?

As long as they do not engage in any sort of sexual activity.

Can an adult date a minor?

Yes, they can date, just not have sexual content, or just not get caught having it.

Would it be illegal for a minor age 16 to date an adult age 23 with no sexual contact?

No, it is only illegal if you have sex or touch inappropriately.

Is it illegal to kiss a minor?

It is not illegal to kiss a minor or even date a minor. It is only illegal to have sex with a minor if there is not parental consent.

Is it illegal for a 19-year-old girl to date a 17-year-old boy in California?

As long as the minor

Is it ok for you to date a 16 year old when im almost 24?

NO THAT IS ILLEGAL Due to the fact that you are dating a underage minor and you are an adult

Me and a guy have a 'thing' for each other He is 17 and lives in Texas I am 13 and I live in Georgia Is there any way we could legally get in trouble for dating?

Not if you date online only. Also, it isn't illegal for two minors to date. And it isn't illegal for a minor and an adult over the age of 18 to date. It's illegal for them to have sex, specifically, it is illegal for the person over 18 to have sex with a minor.

Is it illegal to be 12 and date an 18 year old in Michigan?

Yes. An 18-year-old is an adult, and a 12-year-old is a minor.

Is it illegal for and adult of 19 to date a minor 4 years younger in Florida?

Yes, it will be illegal. no there are no dating laws in the U.S. though sexual contact has an age of consent in each state