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You would need to check with your local jurisdiction for ordinances. It would not be surprising if some communities have enacted local ordinances about invasive species.

Bamboo is an extremely voracious invasive species that can quickly take over acreage and killing off all the indigenous fauna species in the process.

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9y ago
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13y ago

No. You have the right to remove it but the natural spreading of plants would not be considered an encroachment.

No. You have the right to remove it but the natural spreading of plants would not be considered an encroachment.

No. You have the right to remove it but the natural spreading of plants would not be considered an encroachment.

No. You have the right to remove it but the natural spreading of plants would not be considered an encroachment.

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15y ago

It IS possible. Anyone can sue anybody for anything. Bamboo is a well-known "nuisance" plantand if you planted it without safeguards to prevent its spread beyond your property.........???

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13y ago

No. You have the right to remove it but the natural spreading of plants would not be considered an encroachment.

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