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Q: Is it against an amendment to deny medical treatment?
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Can medical centers deny people treatment without insurance?

If you do not have insurance, a medical center can deny a person treatment. The only exception is in the case of emergency rooms. By law, emergency rooms are required to treat anyone that walks through their doors.

Can you sue workers comp if they deny medical or dental treatment?

yes but be careful, they dont have to give you treatment on some things. consult a personal injury attorney.

Which amendment said that the states could not deny a person equal protection of the laws?

The 14th Amendment

Which Constitutional amendment extended to the states the restriction that a state cannot deny an individual his constitutional rights?

14th amendment

States could not use poll taxes to deny a person the right to vote according to which amendment?

The 24th Amendment stated poll taxes could not be used to deny a person the right to vote.

What amendment finally made it unconstitutional to deny suffrage based on sex?

Fourteenth Amendment

A government action that denies someone fair and equal treatment under the law may be declared?

Unconstitutional, because it violates the 14th Amendment: "No State shall . . .deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Did amendment nineteen give women the right to vote?

Yup! The 19th Amendment stated that you cannot deny any sex to vote. Hence, both women and men could vote. Due to the 15th Amendment, you cannot deny a person to vote due to race, so now all citizens of the United States were eligible to vote after the 19th Amendment.

Amendment 14 says that no state can deny a person process of law?

"Due process of law".

Can a hospital deny small payments for medical bills?

No, they have to accept it.

What does the Ninth Amendment say?

The Ninth Amendments states: The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Can my hospital deny you treatment because of a debt even if I am paying it in installments?

Provided you do not require life saving treatment, yes.