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The answer to your questions depends on several factors:

1. What state do you live?

2. Is the restraining order against your ex-spouse/significant other or your children?

In California, for example, if you have a restraining order against the other parent of your children, you may still be able to contact the children. However, if the restraining order is against both, the other parent of your children and your children, then you should not have any sort of communication (including facebook and other social media platforms) with either.

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Q: Is it a violation of a restraining order to write the children on facebook?
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What is the criminal charge for violating restraning order?

The charge IS "Violation of a Restraining Order."

My ex-husband commented on a picture on my facebook and i have a permanent restraining no contact order against him does this violate the PO?

If you have a permenant restraining no contact order then your ex-husband commenting on your facebook picture definitely violates the terms of the restraining order because he is not suppose to contact you at all and commenting on your facebook picture would be a form of contact.

If someone was contact whom there is a restraining order against what can happen?

they can be charged with contempt of court - violation of restraining order. The actual penalties vary case by case.

What is penal code 273.6?

Penal Code 273. 6 is a California state code that has to do with the violation of a restraining order. An order of protection or restraining order is an order to stay away from, and do not contact order, granted by a court.

Your ex violate his own restraing order against you?

If your ex violates a restraining order against you, it is important to report the violation to the authorities immediately. Document any evidence of the violation, such as communication or incidents, to strengthen your case. Your safety is the priority, so consider seeking legal advice or support from local domestic violence resources.

Can Wisconsin extradite someone from Wisconsin for a warrant for violation of a restraining order?

well wouldn't you like to know.

Can someone talk about you on their Facebook if you have restraining order on them?

If a person has a restraining or protective order prohibiting the from making contact with a specific individual, all contact is prohibited, including social media.

Is libel and slander a violation of a restraining order?

The only thing that violated a restraining order are those things that are explicitly listed in the order such as proximity, etc. Libel and slander themselves are illegal and you could be charged civily for these matters even if you didn't have the order.

What are the consequences of violating a restraining order if its a misdominer?

Violating a restraining order, even if it is a misdemeanor, can have serious consequences. It may lead to criminal charges, fines, probation, or even jail time. Additionally, the violation could impact future legal proceedings and may be considered an aggravating factor, resulting in harsher penalties.

Can someone that put a restraining order on you be in violation of that order?

Yes, they can. For instance: if you are resticted to mantaining your distance from them, or restrained from contacting them by phone - yet THEY commit these acts themselves, they too are in violation of the court's order.

What are the consequences of breaking a protective order in VA?

Define what you mean by a "protective order." If you are referring to a 'restraining order" or a 'keep-away order' any violation of it could result in your immediate arrest.

Can removing a restraing order dismiss a violation charge?

No. A restraining order is a civil proceeding between two individuals. A violation charge refers to a criminal prosecution. They may arise from the same course of events, but are not connected in the court system.