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That depends on the parameters of the powers of the particular court. Some courts are appointed by military juntas with the express purpose of changing the law in order to legitimise the purposes of the people in power. A very close example may be bushes war on terrorism overriding the liberties of the US citizen.

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Q: Is it a good or bad thing that some of the countries in which the highest court of the land has the power to declare a law unconstitutional?
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The Supreme Court gained the power to declare laws unconstitutional

Can any supreme court declare any law unconstitutional?

As long as the majority of the court agrees that the law does, in fact, violate the US Constitution, they can declare it unconstitutional and strike it down.

Can the US Justice department declare a law is unconstitutional?

No, an Appeals Court cannot 'find' a law unconstitutional. They might declare a law to be unconstitutional IN THEIR BELIEF, but they can only overturn the decision of the lower court and/or return it to them for further action or consideration. Only the U.S. Supreme Court can find a law unconstitutional.

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No. The Supreme Court has the ability to declare something unconstitutional or not. If they have declared something unconstitutional then there is nothing the president can do about it.

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the supreme court can declare laws unconstitutional

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The SC can declare a law constitutional or unconstitutional.

When the Supreme court declare a law as unconstitutional we have an example?

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it can declare a law unconstitutional

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The judicial branch. Or the supreme court.

What one way the Supreme Court can check the Senate?

the supreme court can declare laws unconstitutional

What is one way the supreme court can check senate?

the supreme court can declare laws unconstitutional

What is judiciary review?

It is when the Supreme Court can overturn Laws Challenged by the Judiciary as Unconstitutional.