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yes it is

No, it is not. Crossing a state line with a few firecrackers would not be a felony. The firecrackers may be illegal where you are going but crossing the state line with them would not make any difference. -- Sparkfighter

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Q: Is it a felony to cross state lines with firecrakers?
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Is it a felony to cross California state lines with Illegal firecrackers?

Yes! Yes ! Yes! They're illegal for a reason!

Is bouncing a check over state lines a felony?

Intentionally providing a bad check is a felony - over state lines or not

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Probably under 5 if you have a good lawyer. Cross state lines and you're looking at a felony and about 20 to life.

Do felony convictions cross state lines?

Yes and most often this results in federal charges. For example, if you are caught carrying drugs from California to Arizona, that's a federal charge.

Do felony charges from Texas cross over into another state?

If you are asking if the felony conviction from Texas will still be a felony conviction in another state, then yes. Once convicted you are marked for life.

What is considered a felony in California?

Many things are considered a felony in the state of California. For example, transporting large amounts of illegal drugs across state lines.

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No limit,no check.

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Unless you are legally an emancipated minor, they still can legally control where you live. If anyone helps you to cross state lines, it's a felony- just a heads up.

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In Arkansas at what age can a child cross state lines without repercussion?

18, federal law prohibits a minor who has not received legal or status emancipation rights to cross state lines without the permission of the parents or legal guardian.

What happens if up you stop paying your car loan and move to a different state?

It is a felony if you take the car across state lines and you are no longer paying on your loan.

Can a felon get an out of state pass?

No, typically a felon cannot get an out of state pass. A felon is usually not allowed to cross over state lines.