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Only if the signed Lease states that written notice is required to renew. If it does not then you would need to take a look at your local landlord tenant laws / rights

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Q: Is it a breach of contract if a tenant does not give in writing their intentions to renew a rental agreement?
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Discharged mean terminated. A contract can be discharged by -performance -frustration -Agreement between the parties and -breach If there is a breach of terms of the contract, a contract can be discharged.

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"If you don't follow your contract to the letter, you may be in breach of the agreement."

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Discharge usually results from performance but can occur in other ways: i. the occurrence or failure of a condition which a contract is based; ii. breach of contract; iii. by agreement of the parties; and iv. by operation of law

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A breach of contract in legal terms amounts to a broken promise to do or not do an act. Breaches of a contract are single, occurring at a single point in time, or continuing breaches. A lawsuit for breach of contract is a civil action and the remedies awarded are designed to place the injured party in the position they would be in if not for the breach

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Not every breach allows a contract to be cancelled. It has to be a material breach.

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Check your lease agreement. If it is not stated in your lease agreement that felons are not permitted, then you have not broken any part of the agreement and the landlord is in violation of your contract. Sue him for breach.

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Properly no, but if youbreach it, you could be sued financially for breach of contract.

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