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It depends which country you came from illegally. Basically your good for all countries except for Asian countries and Mexico

Another View: Your nationality does not exempt you from the law. If you are in the US unlawfully, ergo: You are here illegaly. PERIOD.

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Only upon unlawful re-entry.

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Q: Is illegal inmigration a crime
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What was the purpose of the Inmigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?

To stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States

Is robbery a legal crime?

No. A crime is something that is illegal. Robbery is an illegal crime.

Does inmigration at airports in Mexico check for parole violators?

Unless your crime is federal-related, no. Your return to the states however, may become very difficult.

Would cannabis increase crime if it was illegal?

Cannabis is already illegal. Making cannabis illegal increases crime rates because every time someone lights a joint, they commit a crime.

Why is Argentina population mostly of European descent?

Because of European inmigration... In Argentina the majority of the population is of European descent (descendants of Italians, Spaniards, Germans) but actual inmigration to the country is from the rest of Latin America. Actual inmigrants who go to Argentina are not Whites so the non White population is growing in the country due to no inmigration restriction.

What is difference between crime and criminal?

a criminal is a person who does crime, crime= something illegal.

You are a illegal inmigrant your boyfriend and you are getting you both live in Florida but want to get marry in las Vegas and do all the inmigration papers in Florida Is it a risk to do that you mean?

What state you marry in will have no bearing on his immigration case.

Is crime a verb?

No, it is not a verb. Crime is a noun, meaning illegal activity.

Is illegal parking a secondary crime?


Is it illegal to confess to a crime that you did not commit?

Yes, it is illegal to confess to a crime you did not commit. You can be charged with perjury, false statements and obstructing an investigation.

Is it illegal to tape record someone if a crime is being committed?

depends on the crime

Is voting by an illegal alien a crime?
