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fleeing on misdaMEANOR PROBATION what could the consequenses be

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Q: Is fleeing misdameanor probation a felony?
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I Violated my probation about 9yrs ago and I never got in trouble or been to jail since. Is this case still active?

First of all, it depends on if the probation was a felony or misdameanor. If its a felony, law enforcement will not actually hunt you down unless its a serious crime. But bet your bottom dollar that if you ever come back through town and get stopped, it will be waiting for you.

If returned to Or. after fleeing on misdemeanor probation there still would be an outstanding warrant always correct?

Oregon does not extradite unless its a felony nand sometimes they dont do it then.

Is a Probation Violation considered a felony?

It depends entirely as to whether you are on misdemeanor probation or felony probation.

Is probation a felony?

Probation is a sentence, not a crime. A felony is a level of crime.

Is fleeing a police officer a felony?

Fleeing a police officer is a felony everywhere. The amount of time spent in jail or fine vary.

What is the difference between felony and misdemeanor probation?

The difference between felony and misdemeanor probation is the felony is when a person is sentence to a jail term, but it can be served out of jail. The misdemeanor probation is not given jail time. They serve a probation period.

First time offense Auto vandalism misdemeanor or felony?

Depends on the extent of the damage if it is less than $400 it is a misdameanor, but if it exceeds $400 its considered a felony.

Is a warrant issued for a probation violation a felony warrant?

If the offense you were found guilty of when you received your probation sentence was a felony, then your violation will be a felony warrant.

What is the least punishment for a felony probation violation with another felony?

Your felony probation will be immediately revoked and you will be remanded back to prison. In the meantime you will be tried for the felony you committed while on probation and then face sentencing and prison time for that offense also.

Can you become a security guard with a misdameanor?

Most places will allow for you to become an unarmed guard... having a felony is a problem though.

What happens to first time violators of felony probation in Arkansas?

Are you kidding? Breaking probation means that you end up serving your original sentence. Probation is not a is a requirement.

Can a probation officer clear a felony?
