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Q: Is extracurricular one or two words?
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Is extracurricular one word or two words?

Extracurricular is one word.

What is the root word of extracurricular?

The word extracurricular comes from the two words " extra & credit ". So since there is only one ful word that is in the word " extracurricular " extra is the root word.

What are some words that start with the prefix extra?

* extraordinary * extraterrestrial * extracellular * extrasensory * extravaganza * extravagant * extracurricular * extradite

Is extracurricular written as one or two words?

In (proper!) UK English, it's written with a hyphen. I don't know about US English or other variations of English. If you Google it, you'll find all three forms widely used!

Is no one two words or one?

It is two words. Writing it as one is acceptable in the UK and is referred to as a "Britishism." But in American grammar, it is always two separate words.

What is the affix of the word extracurricular?


What is the examples of extra- in affix?

Some examples of words with the affix "extra-" are extracurricular (outside of the regular curriculum), extraordinary (beyond the ordinary), and extravaganza (a spectacular event or display).

Is one day one word or two words?

Two words - "one day".

Are skiing and reading extracurricular activities?

Skiing is an extracurricular activity. Reading outside of school is extracurricular.

Are hyphenated words one word or two?

They are two words conjoined to be one.

Is after school one or two words?

"After school" is typically written as two words.

Is christmastime one or two words?

It is two words take it from a 7th grader