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Q: Is everyone in the team equal?
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that everyone is equal.. that everyone is equal..

What are the merits and demerits of communism?

Merits-Everyone is Equal. Demerits-Everyone is Equal.

What says everyone is created equal?

the declaration of independence says that everyone is created equal

A club has 60 male members and 50 female members if the club is to have a contest where there are all male teams competing what is the most members a team can have?

The most members a team can have is 30 members to give them an even amount of team members.

Full form of TEAM?

The full form of TEAM is Together Everyone Achieves More.

Everyone selected in this team have or has a role to play?

team has a role to play!

Why are there no seats in the gurdwara?

there are no chairs in the gurdwara because in Sikhism everyone is equal so if everyone sits on the floor it means they are all equal

Does same and equal have the same meaning?

No, fair means everyone gets what they need, equal means everyone is treated the that fair?

What is the phrase that Chad says to the WildCat team hoping that they will win?

Chad says "What team?" then everyone (except Chad) says "WILDCATS" Chad "What team?" everyone "WILDCATS" Chad "WildCats!" everyone (including Chad) "Get cha' head in the game!"

What is Equal pay day?

Equal pay day is where everyone pays equal. Everyone likes to be paid equal because it makes them feel qual dont you agree? I do, I think that being equal is fun because then everyone is happy. But sometime shumans are not happpy because life is a puzzle and you have to find all the right pieces.

What is the role of a team leader it?

To follow everyone else around and do as he/she is told by the team.

Why is it important for everyone to contribute in a team?

Have anyone seen a chair with only 3 legs?It will never take proper balance.Like that only everyone should contribute in their team to make the team successful.....