This question seems pretty divided to me. First off, I guess it could be fair, because, well, it's his/her choice. I'm not sure if your're talking about people or animals, so let's assume It's THEIR choice if they want to die. It would be inhumane to let him/her suffer, if they are in so much physical/emotional/etc pain. But also, I feel it wouldn't be right to take lives when they just request. I feel they should be left to be comforted by their friends/family, and die naturally.
Its not legal, people have to travel to Switzerland
there are not any religions that enflight on euthanasia being legal
In the UK, The Suicide Act 1961 defines assisting someone in the act of suicide to be a criminal offence. 'Euthanasia' itself is not a legal term in the UK as there are no laws relating to it, therefore cases of euthanasia are treated as either 'manslaughter' or 'murder' depending on the specific circumstances.
No, euthanasia is illegal in Greece.
Animals do not have the same legal rights as humans.
At this time, only Oregon and Washington have legal (and unchallenged) euthanasia laws.
euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands with or without the consent of the patient. Guidelines have been adopted to allow the killing of newborns. Euthanasia is legal in Belgium and Luxembourg
Euthenasia is not legal period.