YES! here is the link
Your Delta Luv crib is not under recall.
Is the Delta Luv Crib Model Number 4852-2 on any recall lists?
Is the Millennium Crib model 4840 on the recall list
Your Delta Luv millennium crib is not under recall.
no the 4750 was the one that had the recall
model number 4465-2 is this on recall
Yes there is. Depending on the year of the model you have as well as what country the crib was manufactured in. Go online and type in Delta Luv crib 4520 recall and it should tell you. I know one of the recalls is for the drop down side of the crib randomly dropping and possibly injuring the baby or someone else. Ex: if the railing falls on your foot.
i have a delta portable crib model number 4463 sold in 2002
All drop side cribs are recalled. It is also illegal to sell them as of June 2011. You can call Delta at 1-800-377-3777 to get the kit to fix a drop side crib.Read more: Is_the_Delta_Millennium_Crib_model_4860_recalled
Yes the 4624-1 Model has parts that were recalled. You can go to ask or bing and type in Delta Luv 4624-1 Recall and it will give you the sites you need to order replacement parts. As far as I have found only the trigger lock and the bottom rail track have been recalled.
model number 4465-2 is this on recall
No, check the Delta website for list of all Delta crib recalls.