well it depends if your are being deceptive to increase your wealth or trick people out of possessions, but I dont think its unethical, I do it (not to con people).
Added: In most cases it is both.
In what context? It depends on the resulting action of the deception.
For example, me telling the guys at a bar that I am a kleptomaniac just so I can say "Don't worry, I'm taking something for it," can be considered a deceptive practice, but it's not illegal. Me testifying in court that I am a kleptomaniac is also a deceptive practice, and, as an act of perjury, is a Federal offense.
In business, many deceptive practices are illegal, and, if goods/services are sold or advertised across state lines, could be felonious. However, many sales and advertising deceptions are legal, or not, but not really enforceable.
Schweitzer Linen
someone should
Deceptive and unfair trade practice laws apply to insurance agents to protect consumers from fraud and ensure fair business practices.
Fraud, theft and deceptive practices.
Federal Trade Commission Act
A consumer can protect his /herself against unfair practices by seeking redress, knowing his/her consumer rights and being informed
when the seller intentionally misstates how a product is constructed or performs, fails to disclose information regarding pyramid sales
No it is a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Texas has the "Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act." In most suits as it is named, can recover triple your damages.
Deceptive means misleading. "Her deceptive charm caused him to love the wrong girl."
Deceptive Records ended in 2001.
Deceptive Records was created in 1992.