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No. Civil partnership is available to same sex couples only. It is intended as a state approved ceremony/ legal contract to give same sex couples the same rights as married couples with regard to property etc. The equivalent ceremony/ legal contract between male/ female contract is still a marriege.

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Q: Is civil partnership applicable between man and woman in the UK?
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You are in a civil partnership with a woman but you love another woman?

You need to decide whether you wish to remain in your civil partnership. If so, then you spend your time with your civil partner and forget your feelings for the other woman. If not, then you explain to your civil partner the reasons for your decision and you terminate your partnership. Anything else is irresponsible behavior that no good can come from.

Where can a man and a woman have a civil union?

As of February 2014, the only state that allows this is Nevada (where it is called a domestic partnership).

Can a us woman marry her female lover in the UK?

The short answer is yes - it is called a "civil partnership" and not a marriage though, though the legal effect is pretty much the same. However, that does not mean that the partnership will be recognised in other countries - a civil partnership will probably not be recognised in, for example, California, USA because they do not recognised same sex marriages and are unlikely to accept civil partnerships and the legal rights that accompany them.

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No she can not.

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As of 2014, Nevada is the only state that offers opposite-sex civil unions (locally called "domestic partnerships").

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Does former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee support same-sex marriage?

Mike Huckabee opposes the constitutional right of same-sex couples to marry. He supports a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a partnership between a man and a woman. He also opposes domestic partnership laws.

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It is he matter of generation. She human is made for love, play and sex. It is a co partnership between man and woman. she human is helpfull to produce its own kind of category.

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Not anymore; David Furnish is now his civil partner.

What is Jesus' teaching about Divorce?

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