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By contact with WHAT? If by hand (e.g.- a 'slap" or a 'punch') yes, usually it is. In some jurisdictions this is called "Simple" Assault. HOWEVER, if something else is utilized in the striking (e.g.- ANY type of weapon - or even if you kick with a shoe) it becomes a felony assault, in some jurisdictions also known as "Assault with a Dangerous (or Deadly) Weapon."

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Q: Is assault by contact a misdemeanor?
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If found guilty with assault is it a felony or misdemeanor?

In most jurisdictions I am aware of "Simple" Assault (meaning assault with nothing but your hands or fists) is a misdemeanor. It can be charged as a more serious crime depending upon the seriousness of the injuries inflicted on the victim.

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Hire a good defense attorney. If it is your first contact with the system and it's ag assault they may remand it to a misdemeanor or give you ARD which would require you to go to anger management classes.

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Two years - but check for an enhancement for aggravated.

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A misdemeanor offense, carries a maximum sentence of NOT MORE than one year in jail.

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See below link:

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You can offer to cop a plea to a lesser assault charge (misdemeanor) and see what the prosecutor says. If he accepts you would get less than a year in jail.

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Possibly, but not necessarily.

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It would be an assault and battery. It will probably be a misdemeanor.

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typically treated as a misdemeanor, but all have the chance to be a felony.