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The company does have to notify the employee before deduct from their wages. Many states have laws covering this and in some states thay cannot deduct without the employee's written authorization.

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Q: Is an employer required by law to notify the employee before garnishing wages?
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How often do you have to update I9 forms?

Form I-9 is Employment Eligibility Verification. It's a form that's issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Section 1 (Employee Information and Verification) must be completed by the employee no later than the time of hire. If the employee indicates an employment authorization expiration date, the employer is required to reverify employment authorization on or before the expiration date. The employer has two options in updating and reverifying. One, he can complete Section 3 (Updating and Reverification) of the current I-9 form. Two, he can have the employee fill out a new I-9 form.

Can employer interview Employee about Theft?

Yes. An employer can interview an employee regarding a theft from the company. The employee should carefully review the company policies received at the time of hire and that should be clearly posted at the place of employment. Generally, the employee can choose to have a union representative, lawyer or other person present during the interview or can refuse to be interviewed. However, if they refuse, they may be subject to termination depending on the posted company policy.If an employee is involved in theft from their employer, they should consult with an attorney before being questioned.