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An IMPOSSIBLE goal. The fact that the law is just and fair to the MAJORITY of people is sufficient.

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Q: Is all law fair for everyone?
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What is the difference between a fair or unfair law?

A fair law is for EVERYONE . What I mean by everyone is the race & religon . An unfair law is for a certain kind of person. Like Slavery .

What law describes babylonian law under Hammurabi?

it treated everyone equally It treated all non-slaves equally. A word that could describe Hammurabi's codified law could be "fair" or "non-discriminating."

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Effective in developed countries, making treatments fair to everyone.

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He instated the Common Law and made fair trials avaliable to everyone.

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Equal Protection under the law is just what it sounds like: Everyone has a fair chance under the law until proven guilty.

Do you think that all of Hammurabi's laws are cruel or fair why?

The rules of the law were just.

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Answer this question… All people are entitled to fair treatment under the law.

What does equal protection under the law mean?

Equal Protection under the law is just what it sounds like: Everyone has a fair chance under the law until proven guilty.

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The principles of Roman law were fair, such as the law is the same for everyone and nobody is above the law. However, in practice its application was not necessarily fair. Elite people usually got away with it lightly, while the poor were punished harshly.

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There is no law that says such thing. According to the US constitution, everyone has the right to a fair trial.

What does due process of the law means?

Due process of law refers to the fair treatment and legal proceedings that individuals are entitled to under the law. It ensures that everyone receives a fair trial, with notice of the charges and an opportunity to be heard. This principle is enshrined in the United States Constitution and is a fundamental aspect of a just legal system.

Why do civil rights need protection by the government?

Because Its the Law and they need rights aswell everyone needs rights because this wouldnt be fair