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It depends on the subject of the agreement and whether there is enough evidence to compel a judge to enforce it. Certain agreements must be in writing in order to be enforceable. You should consult with an attorney.

It depends on the subject of the agreement and whether there is enough evidence to compel a judge to enforce it. Certain agreements must be in writing in order to be enforceable. You should consult with an attorney.

It depends on the subject of the agreement and whether there is enough evidence to compel a judge to enforce it. Certain agreements must be in writing in order to be enforceable. You should consult with an attorney.

It depends on the subject of the agreement and whether there is enough evidence to compel a judge to enforce it. Certain agreements must be in writing in order to be enforceable. You should consult with an attorney.

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It depends on the subject of the agreement and whether there is enough evidence to compel a judge to enforce it. Certain agreements must be in writing in order to be enforceable. You should consult with an attorney.

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Q: Is a verbal agreement between father and son binding when father's estate is probated?
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If there is a custody agreement in place through the courts, the mother cannot take the child out of state without the fathers consent. If there is no agreement in place, the mother does not have to have the fathers consent.

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Your father's estate is responsible for his debts. If he owned any assets when he died his estate must be probated. You should speak with an attorney.

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It's legal for mothers to take children in this manner. Only fathers get arrested for it.

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Between Fathers and Sons - 2010 was released on: USA: 10 October 2010

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Since you now have proof you are the father you can now petition for custody, visitation and pay child support. So very binding. Without it you have no paternal rights.

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Check wtih the Probate Court. Normally it automatically expires on the date the court declares the will to be fully probated.

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Briefly, the will needs to be presented to the probate court for allowance. By that process the court will appoint an executor and from that point on the court will have jurisdiction over the estate. The executor will be obligated to follow the provisions in the will and you will have the legal right to monitor the probating of the estate. No one has any power to act until the will has been probated. Title to the property does not pass until the estate is probated.

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NO. She needs the permission of the court that has jurisdiction over the case. She cannot interfere with the father's visitation rights. If an agreement cannot be reached between the parents the judge will decide.

If you get authorization from your mom to move out of your dads can he do anything about it?

Your mom can't authorise anything. The access your parents have to you is governed by a court order, or parenting agreement, or other agreement. Your mother cannot over-ride your fathers arrangements for access to you.

What has the author Larry Link written?

Larry Link has written: 'Between us fathers' -- subject(s): Fathers

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The father's son is the uncle of the son of the father's daughter.