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No, they're very different things, though they might overlap in some cases.

A restraining order is a court order restraining someone from doing some particular thing. That "thing" might be "coming within 300 feet of a particular other person."

A legal separation is, basically, a kind of "trial divorce." It's a general feature that the people involved stop living together, but they don't necessarily have to go out of their way to avoid each other at work or school or whatever (in contrast, a restraining order DOES usually require that). The divorce laws vary considerably from state to state, and sometimes a period of legal separation is mandated before a divorce decree can be obtained.

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Q: Is a restraining order the same as a legal separation?
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What are the rights of a man in a post legal separation?

The same as they were prior to the 'legal separation', except for intimate relations with his spouse...unless she/he agrees.

What does no contact mean is it the same as restraining order?

yes it does it means the same thing

How can you take a restraining order off if the person is pregnant?

Only the person who requested the restraining order in the first place can request that it be removed. That person can schedule a hearing at the same court that issued it and ask that the judge cancel the order.

Can you violate a restraining order if you file a small claims on the person that has a restraining order on you?

If you do everything by the book and it's not a frivolous claim and make sure anything sent to the other party is witnessed and witnessed when you put it in the envelope and it has not a single hint of anything other than it's legal purpose. But still don't be surprised if you go to jail anyway and be forced to prove that it's all legal. It's happening more and more, people going to jail for the same thing. When it comes to Restraining order violations the courts don't really care how much evidence you may have in your favor. Remember, the restraining order was probably ordered first, just on what the other party said with little if any proof.

Will your boyfriend be violating the restraining order because you work at the same place?

Probably yes. _______ The more important question here is why would one still refer to a person with an active restraining order as their boyfriend.

What are the post legal rights of a man after legal separation?

First, it depends on whether legal separation is allowed in your jurisdiction. If so, the terms of the separation are set forth in the agreement. Both parties remain married to each other so the remain each other's legal heir at law in case of death.

Is dissolution of marriage the same as separation?

No. A dissolution is a legal procedure that ends the marriage. A separation may be temporary or permanent but the couple are still married.

Im 15 your boyfriend is 19 in the fire department and army what would a restraining order do to him?

Well im in the army and a restraining order is the same if not worse if hes in the Army. They will make sure that he doesn't go near you.

What should an employee do if their employers hires someone you have a restraining order against?

if there is an active restraining order in place then the employer can still hire that person as long as said person is not in breach of the order for instance if u work in a specific area and they emply him to be in the same building with the knowledge that the restraining order is in place then not only is the person who the order is against but also the company that you are working for breaking the law(uk)

Can someone file a restraining order to prevent someone from calling another adult in the same household who pays part of the bills and is a close personal friend who asks to be called?

yes but someone would need to move for a restraining order to work in this situation because when someone has a restraining order against them then they have to stay away from that person a certain distance

Can you file a restraining order from a court out ove town and serve it in another town?

A petition for a restraining order must normally be filed in the same county where the defendant lives, because the court must have personal jurisdiction over the defendant.

Can you go before judge and ask for restraining order on person who ordered it on you?

For what reason? Retaliation? The person who was granted a restraining order against you, is governed by the same provisions as you are. NEITHER YOU, NOR THE OTHER PARTY can break the order's stipulations without being subject to court action.