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That is up to the police.

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Q: Is a picture of a felon holding a gun without a firing pin enough evidence to convict him?
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Why should warrants specify in advance all of the evidence there is probable cause to seize?

Because, without probable cause, any evidence found is inadmissible. You can't go in looking for a gun, for instance, and find a knife, and subsequently use that to convict.

How can you put your pictures on your itouch without iTunes?

you can get a picture off of google on the i touch by holding down on the picture for a few then it will ask to save image or you can open your photos in itunes and drag it in there.

What is the correct placement for the accent mark for convict?

It's not possible say without your specifying which meaning of "convict" you're considering. CON vict is a convicted criminal. conVICT is what the jury voted to do in court.

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Mere belief refers to holding a belief or opinion without substantial evidence or justification to support it. It may not be based on rational reasoning, empirical evidence, or critical analysis.

What is the duration of Without Evidence?

The duration of Without Evidence is 1.55 hours.

When was Without Evidence created?

Without Evidence was created on 2000-09-12.

A law which could convict you of a crime without a trial by jury is called a what?

Double jeopardy

How does exclusionary rule prevents officers from performing unlawful searches and seizures?

If an officer were to obtain evidence illegally, such as searching you without probable cause, the evidence they acquired would not be admissible in court. That's not to say the entire case would be thrown out, but that single piece of evidence would not be allowed in court. The exclusionary rule doesn't prevent unlawful searches and seizures, but it disincentivizes them by making evidence seized unlawfully inadmissible at trial. There's no reason to illegally obtain evidence if it can't be used to convict a defendant.

Does your case get dismissed if the search was illegal?

Nothing is known about the circumstances of your question. It MAY be, but there is no guarantee. Your attorney would have to mount a convincing argument to the court that the search WAS improper. Even if that hapopens there may be enough evidence to convict you anyway, even without the search. Consult with your attorney.

You can hold it without holding it What is it?

Your breath

What is a name for someone who blames people with no evidence?

Blame without evidence is an allegation; the act of blaming without evidence is alleging; a person making an allegation is an accuser.

What are the release dates for Without Evidence - 1923?

Without Evidence - 1923 was released on: USA: 2 January 1923