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The right person that you should work with when selling a home is a licensed real estate agent in your area. Though you have the option of not hiring an agent to help you sell your home, there are many advantages of hiring one rather than a DIY act.

  1. Agents know better when it comes to the complex procedures of selling a home, which include lots of paperworks that you can hand him over instead of doing it yourself.
  2. Saves your time and energy. Agents would be the one to tour potential buyers on your home instead of doing it by yourself. Either with your presence or not, it saves you time and energy as you only get to wait for updates from the agent.
  3. Know who are prospect buyers. Agents who have enough experience in home selling have better understanding of how home buyers behave. They know who are simply looking and those who are really serious buyers in the market. They know whom to prioritize and put more salestalk effort and consideration when needed.
  4. Real estate agents can help you gauge a good price to capture serious buyers of your house for sale. They know how analyze offers and create a good range in which you can expect your property to be sold at.
  5. Realtor agents have connections with different contractors like home inspectors, landscapers, and other contractors which you may need when you encounter problems regarding your house.
  6. Access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) in which real estate agents use to capture a bigger audience of home buyes in the US.

In hiring a real estate agent, it is best if you hire someon who work under a brokerage and ensure that the agent is really working for that company. Check their license by verifying them at your states' real estate commission so you can be sure of the safety and confidentiality involve in selling your house.

However, real estate agents are great for the act of buying and selling but at closing time there are legal issues to be dealt with and you should be represented by an attorney to ensure a problem free closing. A real estate agent cannot look out for your legal interests.

A large amount of money must change hands at a closing. Outstanding mortgages, property taxes, municipal charges and other encumbrances must be properly discharged and an attorney who specializes in real estate law has a staff that is accustomed to touching all the bases. The seller generally provides the deed. You need to make certain you have a proper deed with all the appropriate sections including the correct description and most important, your attorney will arrange to address any issues revealed by a title examination.

You can sell your home without the benefit of an attorney or a real estate agent but why take chances that problems will develop at or after the closing. Problems are generally more costly to address after the fact.

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Q: Is a lawyer required when selling a house?
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