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A 4 inch penis is on the small side with the average length being 5 inches but as for it being too small for an 18 year old, only she can know, because all women are different sizes down there and like different things. the point is if the said 18 year old is in fact not satisfied there are other option like oral sex or mutual masturbation to look into. Don't be discouraged!

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Q: Is a four inch penis too small for an 18 year old?
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Is four and a half inch penis is it small for a 17 year old?

This is below average, yes. But it is not the quantity, it is the way you use it.

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A 5" penis is perfectly normal.

Is a 4 inch erected penis small for a 12 year old?

No its actually big

Is a 6 inch erected penis small for a 16 year old?

It's perfectly fine.

Is a 3 inch penis big or small for a 27 yr old male?

um im 14 and i have a 8.5 inch but everyone different and it small for a 27 year old

You are 17 and have a 8 inch penis when erected is this small?

Yes. This is extremely small, the average size for a 17 year old is around 9 inches.

Is a 3 inch penis big for a 16 year old?

You are slightly on the small side considering the average is about 6 inches

Is 3inches small for a 14 year opd dick?

Well... I am a 13 year old and i have a 3.4-3.5 inch penis so basically you as a 14 old should a penis size of about 3.0 inches to 4 inches so... Yeah your penis size is a normal average size for a 14 year old.

Is it natural for a 13 year old to have a 4 and a half inch penis?

Well, medically, that is a little small, but, there really is no set size for a penis. You could just be behind a bit on puberty.

You are fifteen and have a 5 and and a half inch penis will it grow more is this small for your age and will other 15 year old girls have sex with me?

No, you will be alone forever.

Is a 5 inch penis with a 4.5 inch girth good for a 15 year old because my penis has not grew for about 2 years now?

That is perfectly fine.

Is a 3 inch penis for a 14 year old normal and will it grow to abt 7 inches when im 21?

It depends if your penis is erect of flaccid. A 3 inch flaccid penis is average, however a 3 inch erect penis is slightly below average for a 14 year old. We cannot say what size it will be when you're 21, as penis' develop at different rates.