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No. Merely having a child does not emancipate a minor in any state of the US.

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Q: Is a 17-year-old Florida minor an emancipated adult if she has a child?
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Is a person an adult if they have a child at 16yrs?

No they are not legally an adult and emancipated until they are at least 18 (older in some states), married or emancipated by the court. Having a child emancipates you to make decisions for your child and medical decisions for yourself.

NY Adult child is working full time No college Do you have to pay child support?

No, that child is emancipated

Can a emancipated child receive money from a deceased parents life insurance?

An emancipated child is considered an adult. They are entitled to receive any benefits assigned to them. If they are not emancipated, the money will go into a trust for them.

Are you emancipated if you have a child in florida?

In Florida, having a child does not automatically emancipate a minor. Emancipation is a legal process that allows a minor to become independent from their parents or legal guardians. Therefore, having a child does not grant emancipation status in Florida.

Can a chid be emancipated at age 20?

Typically a child is emancipated when they reach the age of 18. There would be no reason to emancipate them, they are an adult.

Can an adult child sue a non custodial parent for the parent's assets?

Is this a trick question? If the child is legally an adult (and therefore 'emancipated') then there is no "custodial" parent.

Is it true that in the state of Virginia you can become emancipated after your child is born?

Depends. If you are over 18 you are all ready an adult. If you are under 18 you are a minor with a child. The fact that you have a child doesn't mean you are an adult. To become legally emancipated you need to go before a judge and prove you can support yourself and the child.

Is a 17 year old consider an adult?

No, a 17 year old is still a teenager, however, if the child is emancipated they will be considered an adult with adult responsibilities

Can an adult separate himself financially from his minor offspring?

No, you have to support your child finacially until they are emancipated.

What do you have to do to get emancipated in Florida if you are 15 and have a child?

Having a child is irrelevant, because being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a person. Florida requires that you be at least 16 in order to petition the court for emancipation.

Can a child be emancipated in Ohio if she is 19 years old and has a child. the child is 18 months old?

There is no need for emancipation. She is 18 or older a LEGAL ADULT.

If the child's father has never been around can the child refuse visits in IL?

The child may refuse visits if the child is now an adult or emancipated, or if there is no order for visitation.