it an opinon and to me its not
yes, all is free with wikianswers! It's what makes it great.
Answers has the goal of becoming the top leading 'Question and Answer' website in the world, we're here to ask questions and answer them, that is the point of this entire website.
You can report an incorrect answer at wikianswerscom by reporting the error to the category supervisor.
Nothing, it is free. Any way you must of joined cause you posted a question ?!!!!
The [Sign out] button next to your username
wikianswerscom is a website that has information posted on it about a variety of topics. It is not something that is typically seen as something that can help a person, however it can be used as a way to find out information about a topic.
No. Anyone can use it, whether they have a home or not.
The corporation has paid staff, but the Supervisors are a volunteer community.
I have done recent research into this, and it states that to get your email ending in @Wiki.Answers.Com you need to become a member of the Wiki Answer's group.( This information was based from another website containing this answer, this information may be incorrect)