

Best Answer

Divorced, yes. Remarried - unknown,

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Q: Is Wayne Watson divorced and remarried?
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No, he was never divorced. His wife remarried only after he died.

When was Wayne Watson born?

Wayne Watson was born on 1954-10-05.

Can a divorced woman be Catholic?

If she is divorced but not remarried, she can be a Catholic. If she has remarried she will need to seek an annulment of the first marriage before she can fully participate in the Catholic Church. .

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Many churches will not have a problem welcoming back a divorced and remarried pastor

Are Watson's parents divorced?

Emma Watson's parents, Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson, divorced when Emma was 5. Both now have new partners.

When did Barack's mother get remarried?

She was divorced from Barack Obama Senior in 1964, and got remarried in 1967, to Lolo Soetoro.

Are Emma Watson's parents divorced?

Emma Watson's parents, Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson, divorced when Emma was 5. Both now have new partners.