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yes it is but its going to be raised to the age of 83 befor you can drive

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Q: Is Pennsylvania going to raise the driving age to 18?
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Is Florida going to raise the driving age to 18?

Florida's driving age has not been moved to 18, it has been planning to move to 17 in the next 5 years

Are they going to raise the driving age in Florida?

Yes, children born during and after 1995 get their learners permit at 17 and drive at 18.

Was the driving age ever 15 in Pennsylvania?


Is the driving age going up to 21 in England?

There have always been rumours, and it has been debated a few time in Parliament but there are currently no plans to raise the driving age in the UK.

Are they going to ever change the driving age?

Many states are considering legislation to raise the driving age, especially since there are statistics showing that a disproportionate amount of automobile fatalities and other accidents are caused by drivers under the age of 24. While states are not necessarily considering a driving age of 24, they certainly do have justification for raising the driving age to 17 or 18. At the same time, however, many opponents of this idea say that such accidents are caused by inexperience, rather than age.

Should Michigan raise the driving age up to 18?

yes because i have had friends die in crashes becuase of in ex[pierences driving

Are they going to change the driving age in Texas to 18?


Can you think of a good campaign name or slogan for a campaign which wants to raise the driving age to 19?

Cuz it for a school project >.< We don't actually want to raise it.

What is the median age of Pennsylvania?

According to, the median age of people in Pennsylvania is 39.7 years of age (2007).

Is Pennsylvania raising their driving age to 18?

they are still thinking about it but are unsure. But i have a feeling they will like next year cause the statistics show that the older you are, the less accidents there are. :(

Are the government going to change to the age of driving from seventeen to eighteen?

It depends only on what the president and governor say.

What was the Legal drinking age in Pennsylvania in 1973?

The minimum drinking age in Pennsylvania was 21 in 1973. The minimum drinking age in Pennsylvania has been 21 ever since the end of prohibition.