

Best Answer
Whether Limewire is LegalTechnically the act of using Limewire/Kazaa/Morpheus or any other P2P file sharing system IS PERFECTLY LEGAL. However, the act of sharing copyrighted music is what the authorities will prosecute for, as you are allowing other users to download something which they should pay for, for free.

The act of downloading music which is being shared by other users, is illegal, however the authorities will prosecute those who are sharing a "significant amount of music" - like drugs they will go after the DEALERS not the USERS.

More input and advice:

  • The main question here is not whether Limewire is illegal, but if mp3 sharing, or sharing of any files/applications for that matter, is illegal. There have been lots of lawsuits where the music recording industry have tried to serve hefty fines etc to the companies/individuals who encourage and facilitate the sharing of files between people. However in recent court cases the decision has been made that it is not plausible to adequately place blame on people, since all software such as Limewire does is act as a catalyst. The heart and soul of Limewire, WinMX and KaZaa is the people, like you or I, that download files and likewise make files on our own PC's available for others. In order to 'win', the recording industry would have to sue each and every one of us, which would simply be a too difficult and costly task. By taking software such as Limwire off the internet by way of force, all that would happen is that another group of individuals would come up with somehting new, and another head would grow in its' place. It's like trying to police an individual taking a new CD that he bought over to his friend's house and copying it on to his PC: virtually impossible.
  • As we all know, technically, ftp is legal in itself as a mode of communication and data transfer. It has really (unbelievably) been used since not long after the second world war. The net was invented as a communication method that would be almost self-healing after an attack, by offering billions of alternative routes for data transfer. In itself it is pure genious and gives us communication that our ancestors would only dream of. Music piracy has shot up tenfold since the advent of programmes like Napster. The US & UK governments thought the problems had died when they passed acts that shut these sites down. These primative fileshare sites actively promoted the fact that they offered music free to download through their shareware. But the new breed is VERY different. Programmes like KaZaa, Limewire, WinMX and E.Donkey, are just bacteria that feed on the source that almost all internet users harbour in their own homes. A piece of software is an appliance. Like a tumbledryer. A tumbledrier dries your clothes. An FTP application downloads files. It doesn't know what a particular file is, what it shows, or how it works. It just does its job. But the pitfall is that this software can pass copyrighted music, unreleased Hollywood blockbusters, expensive software, child pornography, important and censored documents/images/films in an unbiased way between countries, individuals, criminals and governments. So, Limewire IS technically legal. But it and programmes like it have a finite lifespan and I would wager that within the next few years (maybe 6 at the most), Filesharing will be another heavily taxed weapon in our worldwide governmental arsenal. It's the first opportunity for the world to get something for free. (REALLY FREE). Grab the chance now and go forth my children and get what you need (but make sure it's legal) Just because you can get it, it doesn't mean that the stuff you have is legal. Steer clear of terrorism movies/ images, child porn, pornography of a corrupt nature in general, and any file that your conscience and society will not accept. But otherwise, ENJOY this rare blip in history when the majority notched up a rare victory on the bedpost of our existence.
  • Limewire is completely illegal. One of the main reasons this is illegal is because, artists release their music to get money off of it. If u take their music for free right of the internet, it's like stealing their music, which is also like stealing money from record companies.
  • It is just as illegal to allow people to upload from you than it is to download from others. You have become a file sharer and they take it just as seriously as file downloaders. Trust me. I personally now know TWO people who were caught. Not on Limewire but on Imesh. It is not worth it. Your whole life changes once you get sued. You put yourself (family) at risk of paying thousands of dollars because of a few moments of weakness. "I gotta have that song!" I did it too! My friends learned just how much they REALLY needed all those songs once it happened. The answer was they didn't NEED them at all. Your follow up question "will I get caught?" is, I'm sorry to say, just a bit out of touch with what's going on out there. People, your NEW experts should not be the ones responding to this saying its legal, but others who have gotten caught! Do some research on Google with such words as music industry sues or lawsuit, and see the world from the other perspective. They are totally serious and totally committed to busting as many people as they can. Hope this helps someone out there. Go get some legal advice on this.
  • Limewire is Legal. There was a recent court case betwenn the RIAA and another P2P file sharing client and the file sharing client won. This is because the software is intended to help people distribute files and how can the people that have that software be held accountable for the others that use it illegaly. If you share copyrighted metarial it is illegal if you share pics and documents which aren't copyrighted it is 100% legal.
  • Don't be fooled by the "This Product is 100% Legal" that Kazaa but on their website. If you read it carefully it says that the downloading of the product is indeed legal, and so is downloading music, if its NOT COPYRIGHTED. Almost ALL music is copyrighted, therefore downloading them is illegal.
  • This has been said above, but here it is black and white, clear as crystal: "Copyright laws and laws pertaining to patents and inventions protect original works of authorship and inventions. Individuals who reproduce, distribute copies, receive copies, publicly perform or display works or inventions other than their own and without the consent of the owners or holders of rights, or their authorized agents, in original works of authorship or inventions, n(m)ay be in violation of copyright, patent or other intellectual property infringement. Lime Wire LLC does not encourage or condone the illegal copying of copyrighted material. This is not intended to be legal counsel or advice. If you have any questions, consult your attorney." Reference:
  • Anyone paying for "100% legal" file sharing sites have been fooled. You could have stuck with any of the popular free sites and would be in the same boat regardless but with a little more money in your pocket. No one has been caught or sued yet that has ONLY DOWNLOADED music. Users uploading (assuming larger quantities) are the ones that have been fined. Granted, it may happen where downloaders are caught but for now, those who block all sharing along with turning off the function for the computer to be used as a supernode, have a much better chance at avoiding trouble.
  • In a sense Limewire is legal, but in another sense it's illegal. The fact right now is that Limewire, Kazaa, etc., are legal because it is simply peer to peer file sharing, like taking a CD to a friends house and letting him take the music on to his computer (ripping). This is legal, in a sense so is Limewire then, because the music comes from an original CD that someone paid money to get and they are simply sharing it to selected people. The problem that the recording companies and artists have is the MASS FILE SHARING, meaning the sharing of the song to more than 5 people. In fact it's perfectly legal for anyone to share a file for free to 5 or less people. Basically like burning a game or a CD and giving it to your girlfriend or something. So is Limewire legal? YES. But if they want to take a further step they might want to make a "expiration system". Basically a program that automatically deletes songs off the online list after it's been downloaded 5 times. So there, LimeWire is technically legal.
  • Whenever you don't pay for some download, with the exception of PC game demos, the free download files are illegal.
  • LimeWire is a tool, just like a knife. Tools have their roles in various tasks. Possessing the knife doesnt commit the crime. Its the person the used the knife that commits the crime. One's focus should not be on the existence of Limewire, but on the particular wrong-doing the happens with it.
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Q: Is LimeWire illegal
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Related questions

In which states is LimeWire illegal?

LImeWire is illegal to use in all states.

Are LimeWire dowloads illegal?

Limewire is not illegal. Limewire is a perfectly legal P2P agent. Downloading certain files may be illegal if they are copyrighted or you do not have permission.

Is LimeWire plus illegal?

No. However sharing copyrighted material through Limewire is illegal.

Is illegal to have LimeWire?


If using LimeWire for file sharing is illegal should you delete all the LimeWire files from your computer?

Using Limewire is not illegal. Limewire is a P2P file sharing utility. If you share files which are copyrighted and without a licence or permission then that is illegal.

Your LimeWire says im not conected to the internet when you are?

Limewire is illegal.

Is downloading video files with LimeWire illegal?

Downloading with Limewire or ANY other p2p software is not illegal. Its illegal to download Copyrighted material.

Is it illegal to download music videos from LimeWire?

It is the same as downloading songs off limewire so yes it is illegal.

Is LimeWire ilegal in Canada?

No. limewire is not illegal in Canada but ut is in the US.

Is LimeWire 5.4.6 illegal?

Every version of limewire is illegal. But as long as you are willing to be getting a virus on your PC, I wouldn't suggest it

Does LimeWire cost to download?

No, Limewire is free, but downloading through it is mostly illegal.

Why can't i get logged onto LimeWire?

limewire is now illegal, sorry buddy