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The original works are, but certain arrangements, editions, performances, and recordings may still be protected.

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Q: Is Gilbert and Sullivan public domain?
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Related questions

What roles did Gilbert and Sullivan have in the makings of the operas?

Gilbert wrote the words and Sullivan the music.

Gilbert and Sullivan princess?

One of the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan is titled "Princess Ida."

What were the first names of Gilbert and Sullivan?

William S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan.

What was Gilbert and Sullivan's full names?

The full names of the creative team responsible for the Gilbert and Sullivan operas were William Schwenk Gilbert and Arthur Seymour Sullivan. Gilbert generally signed his name as "WS Gilbert" and was know as "Schwenk" to his close relatives. Sullivan generally signed his name as "Arthur S. Sullivan" and never ussed just his three initials.

Where do you find public domains being used?

All performances of Shakespeare are using public domain materials. Film adaptations of Jane Austen novels are based on public domain materials; the film "Topsy Turvy" included many excerpts of the public domain works of Gilbert & Sullivan. The fight song of the high school on "Veronica Mars" was actually the official song of the US Army. The webcomic Wondermark is created from images scanned from 19th century books. There are hundreds if not thousands of other examples.

What is the first name of Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan name?

William Schwenk

What is the first name of Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan fame?

William Schwenk

What are the release dates for The Compleat Gilbert and Sullivan - 1984?

The Compleat Gilbert and Sullivan - 1984 was released on: USA: 21 March 1984

Is Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta a Children operetta?

While much of Gilbert and Sullivan is suitable for children, none of their operettas were written FOR children.

Who are the Savoy opera collaborators?

The Savoy operas were the original name for the operas of Sir Arthur Sullivan and W.S. Gilbert, aka Gilbert and Sullivan.

Who wrote pirates of Penzance?

Gilbert and Sullivan

Who wrote HMS pinafore?

Gilbert and Sullivan.