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You don't need a lawyer. Just go to the county court house and the clerk can do it for you. It probably doesn't cost more than $25.

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Q: Inexpensive way to add name to deed without lawyer?
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How do you add a person to the title or deed to a house?

thru a lawyer or solicitor being present when adding their name to any document

If you paid the equity to your spouse from your divorce and obtain a quick claim deed can his name be dropped from the deed without refinancing?

It is a "quit claim deed" that you have to obtain and you have to refinance to drop the other name. It is a "quit claim deed" that you have to obtain and you have to refinance to drop the other name. It is a "quit claim deed" that you have to obtain and you have to refinance to drop the other name. It is a "quit claim deed" that you have to obtain and you have to refinance to drop the other name.

How do you remove a name from the Deed to your home in Ontario Canada?

You'll have to retain an Ontario lawyer to do it. The Law Society of Upper Canada maintains a Lawyer Referral Service if you don't know of one.

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Can a minor sell real property after the deed is in their name?

No not without an appointed Guardian

You want to remove one person name from your house title?

If the house has a mortgage then you have to refinance. If the house is all paid off then you can go to a lawyer and have the name removed from the deed.

How can a husband bar entry of estranged wife from property paid for by him?

If the deed of this property is not in your wife's name and you went to court and the property was solely in you name then you can call the police for your estranged wife trespassing, but, if her name is on the deed and you have not seen a lawyer then she has a right to this property as much as you. I suggest you seek legal counsel.

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You have a problem. How did he "force" you to sign? Courts can't do anything about bad judgment on your part. Unless you can prove fraud or force in court, he must sign a deed. You may need to file a petition for partition and buy him out. Seek the advice of a lawyer.

Can a husband sell a home without wife agreement if her name is on the deed?

No, this would not be allowed.

Can you get half the equity in your house if your name is not on the deed?

No. If your name is not on the deed then you have no ownership and thus no equity.No. If your name is not on the deed then you have no ownership and thus no equity.No. If your name is not on the deed then you have no ownership and thus no equity.No. If your name is not on the deed then you have no ownership and thus no equity.

Your name is on the mortgage not on the deed. How do you get it off the mortgage?

It depends on why your name isn't on the deed. If it was a mistake, you need a lawyer to figure out the best way to get your name put onto a corrective deed. If your name is not on the deed because you obtained the property as a matter of law, then you may need to file a new deed to show you are the rightful owner, along with the papers that made you the rightful owner. Be sure to ask the lender what they were thinking when they accepted your promissory note and mortgage for a house that is not deeded to you.

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