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Georgia,, Alabama ,, Nebraska

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Q: In which US states is the electric chair used?
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How many executions in US 2009?

There were 52 execution in the United States in 2009. 51 by lethal injection and 1 by electric chair (Virginia).

What has not been a possible way of executing prisoners in the US?

electric chair

Has not been a possible way of executing prisoners in the US?

electric chair

Is coal used in any state in the us?

Coal is used as a source of power in all 50 US states. It is the main source of electric power in the US acconting for ~43%.

How many executions by electric chair were there in the US in 2009?

Texas had 24 executions in 2009.

What was the first company in the US?

The first computer company in the US is Electric Controls. Electric Controls was founded in 1949. The company was backed by the United States government.

What was the first computer company in the US?

The first computer company in the US is Electric Controls. Electric Controls was founded in 1949. The company was backed by the United States government.

Methods of execution in the US?

Here are the modern ways of execution in the USA by order of usage Lethal Injection Electric Chair Gas Chamber Firing Squad Hanging

Is their a law prohibiting criminals from donating organs?

i belive that you can request a hanging instead of lethal injection/electric chair so that you can donate your organs.

What states in the southern US have slavery?

No states in the US practice slavery. Some states USED TO but not anymore.

Which us president invented a revolving chair?

third US president, Thomas Jefferson, invented revolving chair

What is the most widely used fuel at US electric plant?
