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Q: In what year was the purchasing power of the minimum wage the highest?
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Related questions

What is the minimum wage in Amsterdam?

The Dutch minimum wage is one of the highest in the EU, at 1,301 Euros per month

Does congress have the power to raise minimum wage to ten dollars an hour?

Yes Congress can regulate the minimum wage. Congress also created the federal minimum wage in 1938. The current minimum wage is $7.25.

Does congress have the power to raise the minimum wage to ten dollars an hour?

No. Congress does not have the power to establish a minimum wage at all.

What is a real wage?

individual's actual purchasing power

The main determinant of real wage is?

purchasing power of maney

Why do economists change current dollars into constant dollars and how does that relate to the purchasing power of minimum wage over time?

Well no one cares so why do you ask I'm a married women

What Is minimum wage in Seattle?

The minmum wage in Seattle and in Washington state is currently $9.32 per hour, which is the highest in the country. There's currently a push to raise Seattle's minimum wage to $15 per hour.

Setting minimum wage is an example of enforcement of what power?

government power in an economy.

What does the real wage represent?

the wage measured in dollars of constant purchasing power; the wage measured in terms of the quantity of good and services it buys.

How do you distinguish between money wage and real wage?

Real Wage = Money Wage / Price Index Real wage measures purchasing power, that is what an hour's labor can buy.

What's the minimum wage in Seattle?

The minmum wage in Seattle and in Washington state is currently $9.32 per hour, which is the highest in the country. There's currently a push to raise Seattle's minimum wage to $15 per hour.

How much money do fast food employees earn?

It depends on your state's minimum wage. The federal minimum wage is $7.25, but the majority of states have a minimum of wage of slightly higher than that, the highest being $9.50. Most likely, the wage at a fast food establishment won't be more than a quarter over it.