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Members of Congress are immune from detainment and arrest by law enforcement when traveling to and from, or during the course of their official duties, while in session. This provision was is meant to protect them from delay for petty offenses, so naturally this protection does not extend to high crimes.

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Q: In what instances are senators and representatives immune from arrest?
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A member of congress is immune from this when the house and senate is in session and when is he going to or returning from house or senate meetings?

Arrest from anything except a felony or treason Also they cannot be sued for anything they say while they are on the floor

Are sports players immune from arrest when fighting on the field?

why yes yes they are

Can postal police arrest the president?

ANY citizen is liable to arrest for an offense. In the US, theoretically, not even the President is immune from arrest by a duly constituted law enforcment officer regardless of WHAT agency they work for.

A member of congress is immune from this when the house or senate is in session and when he is going to or returning from house or senate meetings?


Can police detain a DA?

Yes, DA's (i.e.: prosecutors) are not immune from arrest if they violate any laws.

What happens when you get arrested when on non revocable parole?

Non-revocable parole!! What's the point? Just because you are on parole doesn't mean that you are immune from arrest for ANY offenses.

Why are congressmen immune from arrest?

This is not true under all circumstances. Congresspersons are arrested from time to time. There is only one situation that I know of where a congressperson cannot be arrested, and I think it has something to do with the congressperson being on his/her way to a session, or maybe to a vote. Of course, this doesn't prevent arrest afterward.

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What is Obama's executive order 12425?

Executive order 12425 gives diplomatic immunity to Interpol. They can come inside the United States and be immune to arrest, etc. for whatever activities they engage in. In effect, they are given dominion over US citizens.

How do antibiotics help humans?

Antibiotics are used to fight infections. without them we rely entirely on the ability of our immune system to destroy attacks on our system. The immune system is a wonderful thing, however it is not good enough in many instances to contain dangerous infections, fortunately Antibiotics are capable of destroying many pathogens (A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.) that would otherwise overcome our immune system.

What does immune meen?

immune= rezistant

What system protects the body against infection?

your immune system and your White blood cells produce antibodies