I take it you mean "can you vote a second time, if you own a second residence?" In most countries it is illegal to vote twice in the same election.
No. It is not illegal not to vote in UK. There wouldn't be any chance of charging the 20 million who don't bother to vote. But it is illegal not to vote in Australia and several other countries. If you don't vote and moan, your input might have helped a different outcome, maybe in your favour.
I don't really think that countries vote....
It's illegal in most countries.
In some countries it is illegal, most western countries it is not.
In those countries where it is allowed, 0% is illegal. In those countries where it is not then 100% is illegal.
It is illegal. He can not.
No its not
They are illegal in some countries, such as the UK.
Mitt Romney voted for Obama. it is illegal to vote for your self in the Presidential election.
In most countries there is no compulsion to vote.