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There are a great list of countries that forbid the ownership and operation of radio jammers. Countries that have decided to ban cell phone jammers include Germany, France, Egypt, Ireland and Iran.

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Q: In what countries is a cell phone jammer illegal to own?
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Is a cell phone jammer legal in California?


Is cell phone jammer dangerous for health?

No more so than the use of a cell phone.

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Can you sue your lover if he is bugging your cell phone?

In most countries - phone-tapping is illegal - unless done by law-enforcement agencies under a warrant.

How ems jammers work?

When you use an EMS or cell phone jammer a lower power radio signal is broadcast.this signal is capable of cutting off communication between the cell phone and its base tower.

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This would be an illegal activity under US federal laws, and in many other countries.

Are cell phone apps illegal?

Cell phone apps are not illegal. There are thousands of legitimate cell phone apps on the market that can be implemented for every day use. The only apps that may be illegal are apps that may violate copyright or trademark infringements.

Is it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving in Ohio?

In Brooklyn, Ohio it is illegal tio use a cell phone while driving

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Is there the possibility that one can listen to someone talking on a cell phone from different cell phone and location?

Hell yes, but its illegal