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In what circumstances will a witness be able to claim privilege?

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Q: In what circumstances will a witness be able to claim privilege?
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How do you use privilege in a sentence?

Mary thought that being in Junior Chamber would be a real privilege.The right to vote is an important privilege to exercise.I thanked John, but he said it was a privilege to be able to help.

If a person is called to the court as witness is it necessary for him to attend?

If a person is not able to attend a trial, many times the witness can make an official statement, called a deposition.Added: YES, it IS necessary. While the above statement could be true in rare circumstances - unless the witness is near death or suffering from grave injuries preventing his attendance, a court will seldom, if ever, accept a depostion in lieu of live testimony, during which the witness can be cross examined.

What is a privelege?

A privilege is to be able, or an advantage, favored, or specially granted.

Can you claim on a will after 7 years?

In most cases, a claim on a will would need to be made within a certain time frame, usually within months or a few years after the person's death. After this period, it may be more difficult to contest a will or make a claim, but you may still be able to do so in certain circumstances with the help of legal advice.

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to the southern states its to be able to eat stuff

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Privilege escalation

Can a physician assistant testify in a malpractice case as expert witness?

In principle, no, as they should be protected by the physician-patient privilege if they have had access to information the patient does not wish to disclose. However, I do not know whether this still holds true if the assistant doesn't have a medical license yet.

Refute in a sentence?

Are you able to refute the testimony that the witness just presented.

Where can you get homeowner insurance if you have an open claim?

Depending on the type of claim, you should be able to acquire replacement coverage even with the claim being open. The claim payee will be determined by when the claim happened.

What do smart foods claim to do?

Smart foods claim to be able to lower the cholesterol levels in a person's body.

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USS Indianapolis