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Q: In a society based on rational-legal authority leaders derive their authority from?
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Legally who does the bureaucracy derive the general authority for its programs from?

I think Congress

What social contract theory do leaders gain the right to rule?

Leaders gain the right to rule in the social contract theory of consent, where individuals voluntarily agree to be governed by a leader or government in exchange for protection of their rights and well-being. This theory asserts that leaders derive their authority from the consent of the governed, who grant them the power to rule in their best interests.

Where does congress derive the authority to stop a tax on on Internet sales?

From the power to regulate commerce.

Where does congress derive the authority to stop tax on internet sales?

From the power to regulate commerce.

Which religion supported theocracy or a state governed by God through religious leaders?

Islam, as practiced in countries like Iran and Afghanistan, has supported theocracy where religious leaders hold political power and govern in accordance with Islamic law (Sharia). These leaders derive their authority from their interpretation of religious texts and their role as spiritual guides to the community.

What philosopher believed monarchs aren't chosen by god?

Thomas Hobbes believed that monarchs derive their authority from the consent of the governed rather than being chosen by God. He argued that political legitimacy comes from a social contract among individuals in a society.

What Local government derive their power from?

The local governments usually derive power from the constitution on which they are established. Most orderly societies have a rule of law which the people in the particular society subscribe to.

What did thomas hobbes and king Louis 14 suggested?

Thomas Hobbes suggested that a strong central authority was necessary to maintain social order and prevent chaos in society. King Louis XIV of France advocated for absolute monarchy and the belief in the divine right of kings, asserting that monarchs derive their authority from God and are accountable only to God, not to their subjects.

What is the difference between the divine right theory and the social-contract theory?

The divine right theory asserts that rulers derive their authority from God and are responsible only to God. In contrast, the social-contract theory posits that political authority is derived from an implicit agreement among individuals to form a society and abide by its rules, with the government serving the people's interests.

What is meant by staff authority in an organization?

it takes the form of counsel, advice, and recommendation. People with staff authority derive their power from their expert knowledge and the legitimacy established in their relationships with line managers.

Where do the governments get their power?

The answer to this question heavily depends on what society we are talking about. In modern history, since the enlightenment, it is widely believed that governments derive their power from the people whom they govern. This has not always been the case, however, when history shows us that many governments thought they derived their authority to govern from divine right or heritage, or both.

In a constitutional republic government officials derive their authority from?

In a Constitutional Republic, the government gets its power from the constitution or highest legal document.