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Q: In Alabama if someone adopts a child does dad have to still pay child support?
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If someone adopts your child are you still liable for back child support?

Yes, especially if the parent collected Welfare at some point.

If the husband of my daughter mom adopts her can she still file support from you?

If the husband of my child's mom adopts her can she still file support from me?

Do you pay the full amount of child support if she gets married?

Yes, unless her husband adopts your child with your concent.

Can an adult child get unpaid child support in Alabama?

No, child support is not paid to the child but to the parent raising the child.

In Alabama does the parent still have to pay child support if the minor has a baby?

i live in child is 18 and she just had ababy do i still have to pay child support do i pay child support for my child who has a baby

What do you call to a woman who adopts a child?

A woman who adopts a child becomes that child's "mother".

Does your ex still owe the back child support owed if your new spouse adopts your child?

Yes - the arrears are still due - the child support order ends when parental rights are terminated.

Is husband responsible for child support payments if his wife remarrys?

Generally, yes, the child is still his child. The support payments would likely stop if the new husband adopts the child, but he can't do that unless you agree to it.

Does relinquishing parental rights stop child support in Alabama?

If you relinquish your parental rights, you are still not going to get child support payments. The child support is for the child.

Will your childrens child support be affected if spouse remarries and adopts new wifes children?

No you still gotta pay

Can you file back child support in a bankruptcy in the state of Alabama?

Bankruptcy is a Federal process and has no effect on child support. Bankruptcy does not dismiss child support debts.

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