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Any subsequent contestation hearing must take place in the state where the dissolution (divorce) petition is filed.

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Q: If your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers and there are no kids or property and you move to another state does the unwilling spouse have to come out to that state to go to court?
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No, "unwilling" is an adjective that describes someone who is not willing or refuses to do something.

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If your wife in Bahamas refuses to sign the divorce papers what you can do is refile for divorce under abandment and the court can then rule that you don't need her to sign. STATED BY AUTHOR

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Go to court. The judge can grant the petition.

Can you get a divorce in Mississippi if your spouse refuses to sign divorce papers?

get a lawer and sue her ! they can make her sign the papers !

How can you get a divorce if your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers in Louisiana?

If you serve your spouse and he/she refuses to sign, you may be able to win your divorce by default. Divorce by default happens when the person served fails to respond to the legal documents.

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Serve him with divorce papers and let him anwer in court.

Can you get a one signature divorce with children?

Only if the other party refuses to respond

What if your Spouse refuses to sign divorce papers in state of Oklahoma?

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Chandler was 9 when his parents told him they were getting a divorce. They did that on Thanksgiving and that's why he refuses to celebrate it

What if spouse don't sign divorce papers Texas?

You continue with the divorce proceeding. A spouse who refuses to sign the divorce papers can delay the proceedings by making it take longer but they cannot prevent the divorce.