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If you're in the US... No, you are not responsible for it, but HE certainly is, so he better figure out how he's going to pay it.

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Q: If your minor son gets someone pregnant are your responsible for child support?
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Can someone get child support ordered on someone in army that is still pregnant?

Child support does not begin until the child is born and paternity is established. In Kansas, support has to begin during the pregnancy.

Do i still have to pay child support in Georgia if the child gets pregnant?

Even so, the child is still a minor and you are responsible for her until she is of age.

Do child support payments have to be made to custodial parent if child is pregnant?

If you live in the US... Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor. Therefore, the minor's parents are still responsible for supporting them (but not for supporting the minor's child), and the child support must still be paid.

Are father and stepmom responsible for child support?

The biological parent is legally responsible for paying child support. A step parent is not legally responsible for paying child support.The biological parent is legally responsible for paying child support. A step parent is not legally responsible for paying child support.The biological parent is legally responsible for paying child support. A step parent is not legally responsible for paying child support.The biological parent is legally responsible for paying child support. A step parent is not legally responsible for paying child support.

Do you still have to pay child support if teen daughter is pregnant?

You are still responsible for supporting your child until she reaches 18, or in some atates, if she has a child, 16 or 17. You are NOT, however responsible for supporting her child. She can apply for assistance.

Do you still have to pay support for a minor child that is pregnant if the father of the unborn child begins paying support?

Yes. Until and unless the child is emancipated, you are still responsible regardless of other income. The support from your daughter's boyfriend is probably for your grandchild.

Is a new spouse responsible for ex spouses child support in Florida?

No. The child's parent is responsible for paying child support.

Can you stop paying child support if she becomes pregnant?

No, your child will not be emancipated because she is pregnant and her parents still have to support her until she is.

My 17 yr old pregnant daughter moved out of her mothers house and in with her boyfriend. Can I stop paying child support?

No, she is still a child. The parents are still responsible for her.

Does a parient still have to pay child support on a child if the child goes on disability in Missouri?

Yes. The parent is still responsible for providing support until the child support order is modified by the court.Yes. The parent is still responsible for providing support until the child support order is modified by the court.Yes. The parent is still responsible for providing support until the child support order is modified by the court.Yes. The parent is still responsible for providing support until the child support order is modified by the court.

Your girlfriend is pregnant do you have to pay child support?

If you are the father of the child yes. Why do you ask? do you expect someone else to pay for raising your child? Your child - your responsibility - be the best father you can.

Is the beneficiary of a life insurance policy responsible for back child support of deceased?

No, you are not responsible for their back child support.