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Q: If your kicked out of court ordered rehab will you get arrested?
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Can you contact a person in court ordered rehab?

Yes, unless that person has a court ordered (or medical ordered) restriction on his contacts, movements, associations, or actions

Is alchohol rehab court ordered for DUI's in most states?

In some states, alcohol rehab may be a mandatory part of the DUI sentence for repeat offenders or if the offense involved a high blood alcohol content. However, court-ordered rehab requirements can vary by state and depend on the circumstances of the case.

Where can I get free rehab?

Unless you've been court-ordered to rehab, you're not going to get it free (and often not even then). There is subsidized rehab through most states, however.

How does a legal resident obtain court ordered rehab?

Legal resident of where? Rules vary by jurisdiction. We suggest contacting the court and asking.

Does someone in court ordered rehab have the right to attend a funeral?

You or that person would have to ask the person in charge of the rehab or an attorney. They will probably allow them to attend the funeral if there are no extenuating circumstances.

Does Starting Point Drug Rehab Center in Vancouver WA watch you pee when you go in for a court ordered Drug and Alcohol assesment?


Can you buy a firearm if you have to alcohol rehab?

Check with your local law enforcement agency. Local and State laws and regulations vary from place to place. IN GENERAL, if your rehab is voluntary, you will not be precluded. If your rehab is court ordered, you may have a problem - that is why you need to check your local laws.

What did Nicole Curtis of Rehab Addict get arrested for?

Nicole Curtis of Rehab Addict got arrested for trying to stop the demolition of a 124 year old house in Minneapolis, MN.

Why did Sonny get kicked off So Random?

She's in rehab for drugs and depression.

Why dont they show Sonny With a Chance anymore?

She was in rehab and sadly got kicked out....

What does rehabrm mean on a court case?

Rehab...inmate has been put into rehab.

Has Britney Spears ever been arrested?

No she has never been arrested yet and I hope she does get arrested she is a good girl and hopefully she will stay a good girl.