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If you suspect neglect, you can call your local child services and post a complaint. You can tell them who you are and how concerned you are.

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Q: If your child is being neglected by their mother who has custody?
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Does a father have the right to take full custody of a child if the mother is terminally ill and the step father is providing all the care?

That is up to a court to decide. The father cannot take that action on his own. He need to petition for full custody. However, if the child has been in a stable and loving home, and well cared for, the court is not likely to terminate the mother's custody at this terrible time unless it can be proven the child is endangered or being neglected.That is up to a court to decide. The father cannot take that action on his own. He need to petition for full custody. However, if the child has been in a stable and loving home, and well cared for, the court is not likely to terminate the mother's custody at this terrible time unless it can be proven the child is endangered or being neglected.That is up to a court to decide. The father cannot take that action on his own. He need to petition for full custody. However, if the child has been in a stable and loving home, and well cared for, the court is not likely to terminate the mother's custody at this terrible time unless it can be proven the child is endangered or being neglected.That is up to a court to decide. The father cannot take that action on his own. He need to petition for full custody. However, if the child has been in a stable and loving home, and well cared for, the court is not likely to terminate the mother's custody at this terrible time unless it can be proven the child is endangered or being neglected.

If a minor is under custody of his or her mother can the minor or is the minor entitled to file a case for being neglected of receiving any benefits from the court appointed child support check?

No, but the other parent can file something. see link

Can state authorities legally remove a 16-year-old from their mother's custody if the minor child objects to the action?

Yes, if conditions exist that show the mother is an unfit parent, the child is being neglected, abused or in anyway physically or emotionally endangered. It is irrelevant whether the 16-year-old is agreeable to the action or not.

Do you have the right to get the child from the custody of her mother?

You have the right to file for a change of custody with the court. You will have to present convincing evidence that the child's mother is unfit to retain custody of the child. Frankly: It is a stiff burden of proof to overcome to convince the court to remove a child from its mother's custody.

Can an underage mother win custody of her child back?

Even though the mother is underage she still has custody of her child as long as she does not do something to get custody taken away from her

What happens next after your child's mother gets served child custody papers?

After being served child custody papers, the mother typically has a certain amount of time to respond and either agree to the proposed custody arrangement or contest it in court. If the mother contests the custody arrangement, a court hearing will be scheduled where both parties can present their arguments and evidence before a judge makes a final decision on the custody arrangement.

How can a relative get custody of a child who is being neglected?

Getting a court to reassign custody of a child is a long and heart-breaking process, and can be much more difficult for a non-parent relative. If you believe the child is in danger, you should contact the police. Otherwise, consult a family law attorney in the state in which the child resides.

If an unwed mother has sole custody can she still get child support in California?

YES, a woman can file for child support and not address custody in the courts, but a man can not request visitation time without the subject of child support being addressed. All single mother have sole custody by default, in 49 states.

Can biological mother who has lost custody of her child regain custody in Texas?

lost the child to whom?

Do I lose custody of my child if I remarry my child's mother after having sole custody?

When married you have equal rights to the child.

In North Carolina what does a mother do to obtain full custody of a child who is left mostly in the care of the father's live in companion?

A parent can file suit for sole custody of a minor child at any time. However, the criteria is the quality of the care the child is receiving, not who is giving it. The court no longer discriminates against non married couples when it comes to the caring of children. The main concern is the child, if the child is not being neglected, abused, endangered, etc. the mere fact that he or she is being cared for by a significant other would have no bearing on custodial rights.

How often is the father awarded custody of the child over the mother?

How often is the father awarded custody of the child over the mother in North Carolina?