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Yes - and run away or toward direction train is coming from, if necessary. A train will crush the car, and may push it into other objects or plow it down the tracks, with the train taking anywhere from 500 feet to more than a mile to stop even after the collision. If you are in the car you will be severly injured or killed.

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Q: If your car is stuck on the tracks and a train is approaching get out of the car and run?
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What should you do when your car is stuck on the tracks and a train is approaching?

You get out of your car

What do you do if your car is stuck on the tracks and a train is approaching get out the car and run?

If your car is stuck on the tracks, and a train is approaching- then YES- get OUT of the car and get off the tracks. It is not that the train engineer does not want to stop, it is that he CANNOT stop- it may take a mile or more in distance to fully stop a heavy train. You will lose the car, but you will keep your life.

If your car is stuck on the train tracks and a train is approaching get out of the car and run?

Yes - and run away or toward direction train is coming from, if necessary. A train will crush the car, and may push it into other objects or plow it down the tracks, with the train taking anywhere from 500 feet to more than a mile to stop even after the collision. If you are in the car you will be severly injured or killed.

If your car is stuck on the tracks and a train is approaching get out of the car and run .?

Yes - and run away or toward direction train is coming from, if necessary. A train will crush the car, and may push it into other objects or plow it down the tracks, with the train taking anywhere from 500 feet to more than a mile to stop even after the collision. If you are in the car you will be severly injured or killed.

What do you do when your car is stuck on train tracks?

Get out of the car!Call police.They will help to arrange to have your car removed.

Car is to road as train is to?

Train tracks

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How far do you stop your car from train tracks?

3 feet

Is it unsafe to shut a car off while waiting for a train?

It depends... If you are sitting on the tracks, no. You'd die. If you are waiting in the car away from the tracks, then yes.

How do Ponyboy's parents die?

Ponyboy's parents die in a car accident. They were driving on train tracks and then a train came and hit their car,

What do you if your car stops on a railroad crossing?

If someone is with you put the car in neutral and push it off the tracks while watching for the approach of a train. If you see a train coming run as far away from the car as possible. If you see or hear no train you should be able to push it off the track unless you are by yourself. Never get into this situation by never stopping on the tracks.

What popular movie did the bad guys kill people by pushing their car onto the tracks of an oncoming train?

In Lethal Weapon 4 they pushed the victims car into the path of an oncoming train seconds before the train reached them, killing the people in the car.