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Yes, you should still get paid because it is not your fault that your boss is not there.

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Q: If your boss is late and you can't clock in do you still get paid?
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If your boss is late and you can't clock in should you still get paid?

Yes. Your employer must compensate you for any time they compel you to be "working" which has broad interpretations and would include time you spend waiting to clock in because your supervisor is late.

Where and when did the first clock invented?

The first mechanical clocks were invented in Europe in the late 13th century. The oldest known mechanical clock still in existence is the Salisbury Cathedral clock, which dates back to 1386.

What is the purpose of time clocks?

The main purpose for punching a time clock is so that your boss knows what to pay you for. They will know when you are early , late or on time and whether or not you work a whole day or leave early.

How not to be late for class?

Set your alarm clock.

What is slang for good from the 1960s?

Groovy would be good. It was still used up into the early seventies. Boss would also be good from the late fifties to the mid sixties.

Whom did the boss punish because George and Lennie were late?

The boss punished Crooks, a black stable hand.

What kind of boss do you think you would enjoy working with best?

a boss who is very friendly and a boss who will not bite your head off for being a few minutes late

What is the help word of sharks lagoon's late night at the office?

another late night at the office

Who watches shows at 11 o clock?

late sleepers

In Of Mice and Men who did the boss punish when George and Lennie were late?

The boss punished the stable buck, Crooks, when George and Lennie were late. Crooks was reprimanded for not completing his work in a timely manner.

Where can one purchase a CD clock radio?

Although CD clock radios were all the rage in the late 1980s and 1990s. There popularity has waned with the introduction of mp3 players such as ipods. You can still find them at some retailers such as walmart and target, but also check amazon and ebay.

How do you stay up late night in stick rpg 2?

you cant you can only stay up till 1:00 then u become exhausted but u can get a bed and alarm clock and wake up at around 5:10