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no you do not have to have parent consent if you are 18 years old you are a legal adult and can do what you please.

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Q: If your are getting married at 18 in Mississippi do you have to have parent consent to move out?
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Age and relationship requirements for marriage in Mississippi?

In Mississippi you have to be at least 21 to get married without permission. With parental permission you can get married at 17 for the boy with permission. A girl can get married at 15, but it also requires her parent's consent.

Can a 15 year old get married in Mississippi to a over age guy with parent consent?

You might depending on which county you are in. Some require the courts consent as well.

What is the youngest age at which you can get married with out parent consent?

The age limit In Scotland Is 16 you can get married at Gretna Green, This is without parent consent, But if you are getting married in England the youngest age without parent consent is 18. Hope this helped. So England Is 18, Scotland Is 16 But only At Gretna Green

In Mississippi can you get marriage underage without parent consent?

No, you can't.

Can a sixteen year old get married in Colorado with out parental consent?

No, you have to have parent consent if you are under 18 to get married.

Can you be 17 to get married without parent consent to get married in west viriginia?

No, you have to be 18 without parental consent.

Can you get married at fourteen in Alaska?

With parent consent, yes.

Can you get married in any state without parent consent?


Can you get married in Arkansas with out parent consent?

Not before you are eighteen.

Can a girls parent consent for her to get married if she is in her grandmothers custody?


Can one parent allow medical information to be shared without consent of the other parent?

If the parents are married, yes. If one parent has sole custody that parent can consent.

Is there anywhere that you can get married at age 16?

not unless you get parent's consent nope In Scotland you can get married at 16 without parental consent.